
Amputations and Florida Car Accidents

Amputation is the surgical removal of a body part that is damaged beyond repair. Car accidents are a common cause of amputations, because they can cause devastating injuries where a leg, arm, hand, or other body part just can’t be saved. Crushing injuries can lead to amputations in this situation, with some car accident victims needing to have an amputation at the scene to remove them from the car. In less common cases, the impact of a crash can sever a limb or body part.

While amputations can save a person’s life after a car accident, they also affect a person’s physical, emotional, and financial well-being. Amputees may face challenges such as chronic pain, phantom limb syndrome, infection, prosthetic fitting, mobility issues, psychological distress, social stigma, and reduced quality of life.

They may also incur substantial medical expenses for surgery, rehabilitation, medication, assistive devices, and home modifications. It’s not uncommon to lose income due to disability and reduced work capacity after an amputation.

Seeking Compensation for Amputation

Under Florida law, you may have a right to compensation if you have suffered amputation due to a car accident caused by someone else’s negligence. A car accident attorney can help you determine whether you have a claim and can help you pursue a personal injury claim.

It may be important to explore your options for compensation after an amputation, because you may face significant expenses and financial losses, including:

  • Medical bills, including the costs associated with surgery, hospitalization, rehabilitation, medication, prosthetics, and other treatments.
  • Lost wages, including long-term wages if you can’t return to your job.
  • Incidental costs, such as the cost of therapy or the cost of needing to have your car made accessible so you can still drive.

In addition to these costs, there is also the impact on your quality of life. You may not be able to pursue hobbies or care for your loved ones the way you did before the accident. While no amount of money will make up for what you have lost, getting fair compensation helps you pay the bills while you heal and helps you pay for support so you can rebuild your life.

How much compensation you can recover for your amputation depends on several factors:

  • The extent of your amputation
  • The impact of your amputation on your health and life
  • The impact of your amputation on your ability to earn a living
  • The degree of liability of the other party
  • Your insurance coverage
  • The strength of your claim

You may want to speak to an experienced car accident attorney soon after your accident to seek fair compensation for your amputation. An attorney can investigate your accident, gather evidence, calculate your losses, identify liable parties, and pursue compensation for you through negotiation or a legal claim.

At Flaxman Law Group, we our compassionate and dedicated car accident lawyers have recovered over $100 million on behalf of injured people. We understand the challenges you’re facing after losing a limb and we’re committed to seeking compensation for your situation if you qualify.

If you have been involved in a car accident that resulted in an amputation, contact Flaxman Law Group today for a free accident consultation.

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