
Articles Posted in Distracted Driving


Pets Can Cause Florida Car Accidents

Florida residents love their pets, but when those pets are loose in a car, they can easily contribute to deadly traffic accidents. According to the organization “Paws to Click,” one accident occurs every 18 minutes in this country because there is a pet loose in the vehicle, distracting the driver.…


Teaching Your Younger Children About Florida Car Accidents

Many parents try to teach their new teen drivers about the dangers of drinking and driving in Florida, or about the dangers of distracted driving. However, younger children are also at risk in Florida car accidents. In fact, the National Center for Heath Statistics reports that car accidents are the…


How to Avoid Florida Car Accidents During Tourist Season

It’s no secret that Florida is a major tourist destination and now that the school season is winding down, many people from all across the country and from around the world are making plans to visit the state for their vacations. Tourists bring important cash into the economy, but they…


Your Teen Driver’s First Road Trip

For many teens, a road trip is an adventure and something of a rite of passage. Therefore, many teen drivers look forward to the day they can gather together a few friends and hit the road. If your teen driver is going on a first road trip, keep these safety…


The Top Driving-Related Talks You Need to Have With Your Teen Today

April is Alcohol Awareness Month, but this is also a great month to talk to your teens about the other dangers of driving. It’s a great time to discuss: 1) Drinking and driving. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 32 people in the US die every day due…


Pets, Children, and Passengers: Florida Car Accidents and Distractions

When we think of distracted driving, most of us think of driving with a cell phone to our ear. While there is no doubt that cell phones and mobile devices lead to Florida car accidents, they are not the only cause of distractions. In fact, some of the most common…


Car Stunts Can Mean More Florida Car Accidents, Especially Among Younger Drivers

While getting that driver’s license for the first time is a thrill and a sign of freedom for most teen drivers, there is mounting evidence that some drivers are abusing their driving privileges and using their cars to perform stunts that can easily lead to Florida pedestrian accidents and car…


Could Florida Ban Young Distracted Drivers?

Although the link between texting and driving and Florida car accidents has been well established, Florida has not yet passed a texting and driving ban. In the state, it is still legal for drivers to use mobile devices while driving, even though other states have banned the dangerous practice. However,…


Making Florida’s Roads Safer and Preventing Car Accidents

According to the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, there were 2430 fatalities in 2010 caused by Florida car accidents. This represents the smallest number of fatalities seen since 1978, even though the population of Florida has grown significantly since that time. However, while these numbers are cheering,…

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