
Could Booster Seat Law Help Prevent Injuries in Florida Car Accidents?

Florida is not currently one of 47 states that has a booster seat law for children 4 years of age and older. However, some proponents of booster seat laws are trying to create just such a law in the state, arguing that the legislation would help prevent serious injuries to children. Currently, a coalition has formed to pass a Florida booster seat law. More than thirty organization are part of the effort to change the legislation.

According to some studies, Florida spinal cord injuries, brain injuries, internal bleeding, and other serious injuries are more likely to be the result when children are involved in a car accident and are not wearing a booster seat at the time of the collision. Under current Florida law, children must use seat belts at age four. There is no requirement to use booster seats.

Some experts claim that the seat belt law is not enough and can actually cause more injuries to children. Since children are not as tall as adults, if they are in an accident and are wearing a seat belt without a booster seat the seat belt can easily cut the child’s abdomen and neck. According to some experts, allowing a child to use a seat belt but no booster seat can cause Florida brain injuries, broken necks, paralysis and other life-altering injuries.

Studies that have examined booster seat use and seat belt use among young children have concluded that booster seats give children a better chance of avoiding serious injury in a car accident. Young children who use seat belts but no booster seats are four times more likely to experience neck or head injuries when compared with children who do use booster seats. Young children who use seat belts without booster seats are also three times more likely to sustain an injury to the abdomen in a car accident, when compared with young children who are properly restrained with both seat belts and a booster seat. Some experts believe that as many as 4000 emergency room visits can be prevented each year if children between the ages of 4 and 8 wore booster seats.

Proponents of a booster seat law also note that the law could help the state save money. Children who are injured in a Florida car accident may require long term medical care, typically covered by Medicaid. Since booster seats cost only $30 but can help prevent thousands of accident injuries, they could potentially save the state millions of dollars.

If you or a loved one have been injured in a Florida car accident, get professional, compassionate legal advice from the Flaxman Law Group. The legal team at the Flaxman Law Group can set up a free accident consultation with you to allow you to get legal advice that can help you understand your case. The team at the Flaxman Law Group has successfully helped thousands of plaintiffs in Hollywood, Miami, Homestead, and throughout South Florida, so they are an experienced team poised to help.

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