Collapsed Lungs Are a Potential Injury in Car Collisions

Car crashes in South Florida result in serious injuries all the time, including internal injuries. An especially painful and challenging internal injury that’s common in traffic accident is a collapsed lung.


If you’ve suffered a collapsed lung or any serious injury in a car accident, contact Flaxman Law Group for a free consultation with a South Florida car accident claims attorney. An attorney at our boutique law firm can explain whether you have a claim that can help you seek compensation for your car repairs, lost income, medical bills, and more. There’s no obligation and no cost, so you risk nothing by learning more about your rights and options.

What Is a Collapsed Lung?

Pneumothorax, also known as a collapsed lung, is exactly what it sounds like: your lung collapses either entirely or fully. This can happen because your lung is punctured or because air in the chest cavity presses against the lung, partly collapsing it.

In a car accident, a collapsed lung can happen for several reasons:

  • Your chest can crash into the dashboard or steering wheel, and the trauma can cause your lung to collapse.
  • Broken rubs can puncture one or both lungs.
  • Sharp objects in the car can puncture your lungs in a collision.

No matter what has caused the issue, a punctured lung caused by a car accident can be a medical emergency. You could have internal bleeding and internal trauma if your chest was hit or if you have fractures or puncture wounds. There may be other organs affected, too. You may have many symptoms, including:

  • Shortness of breath.
  • Pain, especially sudden onset pain that happens on one side of the chest.
  • Difficulty breathing.
  • Blue fingertips or lips.
  • Fast breathing or panting.
  • Coughing.
  • Weakness and fatigue.

If you experience any of these, seek help at an ER or urgent care center, where doctors can use CT scans or x-rays to diagnose your condition. Your treatment may include:

  • Oxygen therapy.
  • Thoracentesis, which involves using a needle to remove air from your chest cavity.
  • Surgery.
  • Chest tube drainage, which involves inserting a tube in your chest to remove extra air.
  • Chemical pleurodesis, which involves chemicals that can reduce excess air in your chest cavity.

These procedures can require days or even months of recovery time and come with potential complications, including blood clots and edema. While you’re recovering, you may feel weak and out of breath and you may not be able to return to work for some time.

The cost of medical treatment for collapsed lungs combined with the likelihood you’ll have to miss work make it crucial for you to consider your financial situation as well as your medical recovery. If you’ve been diagnosed with a collapsed lung or other serious injury, call Flaxman Law Group for a free consultation with a South Florida car accident claims attorney.

Flaxman Law Group is a boutique law firm with offices in Miami, Homestead, and Hollywood. We’ve recovered over $100 million for our clients and we’re proud to provide a family-focused experience. Our father-son attorney team genuinely cares about every client and we work tirelessly for our clients. In fact, if you work with us you’ll have the personal cell phone numbers of our attorneys so you can stay in touch.

Client Reviews
Mr. Flaxman is highly skilled and very pleasant to work with. He communicated with me at every step in the process, and clearly presented information relating to my case. To anyone considering retaining his firm, I highly recommend him. Clara Barman
THE BEST. Honest, very knowledgeable, fast and easy. has helped me in numerous situations and has never failed me. Joe Gee
Charlie is a very skilled attorney that advocates hard for his clients. But the best part is he is an all around great guy. He cares about helping and doing what is right for people and his community. And he is not afraid to fight against those who do wrong or against threats to our world. He is fluent in Spanish as well. Do yourself a favor and call him. Andy
I had a lawyer on another case and I never spoke to the lawyer and I hated that I never knew what was going on in my case. Mr. Flaxman was in constant communication with me, explained everything to me, and his staff was really great too. My phone calls were always returned immediately. It was refreshing to be able to speak to my attorney personally. I would HIGHLY recommend Mr. Flaxman as an attorney to anyone who has been in an accident. Gloria
I found Mr. Flaxman to be an excellent attorney for my personal injury case. This is actually the second time I have used him and he really represented my interests. He explained everything thoroughly and he was very available for my questions. Carol
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